Friday, December 08, 2006

PLACE SHIFTING://Orange joins Vodafone Germany and 3G UK

Orange launched 'Mon PC à distance', a place-shifting service to enjoy your PC-content on your mobile (over 3G). Technology is from Nokia.

Hutch 3G UK got a lot of attention (justly) for its new X-series, which uses Orb Networks' technology. Vodafone Germany earlier teamed with Orb for 'Vodafone-Mein PC'.

Personally, I feel this is a pretty useful application, just like video/TV over wireless (with Sling, preferably). It seems an extension of photo/video sharing in the PC-world, but without the limitations (not just the stuff that you uploaded to Flickr or any other site - and mobile!).
Tariffing however could prove a limitation.

UPDATE: Ann Willey of Orb Networks mails me the following:
"Just wanted people to know that Orb Networks is the architect and provider of technology that makes Orange's Mon PC possible. We worked with Nokia and Orange to offer the new service."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, This is Ann Willey from Orb Networks. Just wanted people to know that Orb Networks is the architect and provider of technology that makes Orange's Mon PC possible. We worked with Nokia and Orange to offer the new service.